Be like Keisha...

Be like Keisha . . . a confident voice for Kansas agriculture and family farmers.
Keisha McClish Couts joined almost 400 of @nationalfarmersunion family farmer and rancher members on Capitol Hill last fall to meet face-to-face with members of Congress.
Keisha is one of seven 2019 KFU Policy Advocates who received guidance and support from policy and governmental relations professionals in developing materials and strategies to convey the key points of their chosen issues. Participants also benefitted from joining a network of fellow advocates, both in Kansas and D.C..
Interested in becoming a 2020 KFU Policy Advocate?
Check out the KFU Policy Advocate Program page!
KFU Policy Advocates will have the opportunity to participate in the 2020 National Farmers Union Fall Legislative Fly-In, in September, as well as advocacy opportunities in Topeka.
Advocates create a topical policy sheet and develop a post on their issue for and KFU’s social media platforms.
Keisha is third-generation African-American woman associated with farming in some capacity. She’s been connected with Common Ground Producers and Growers, Inc. since its inception. Common Ground serves elderly, low-income, food desert and food insecurity areas in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler Counties, Ks. and is in its 7th season of service.
This was her second fly in with Kansas Farmers Union. She participated 2018 and was eager to return to Washington, D.C.: “I am a Marriage and Family Therapist with a passion to serve farmers and to assist with mental health services so greatly needed by this population. I believe the Farmers First Act is much needed and I am excited to be a part of providing services to those how need it most!” Keisha is concerned that our members of Congress may not fully understand how the mental health crises not only affects farmers, but also those in their orbit: families, suppliers, end-customers, and the whole of American society. She says, “Healthy farmers help to produce healthy food and healthy communities!”
Thanks for being one of our voices in D.C., Keisha!
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